Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Message from the 2014 TUFSA president

        Before beginning my new duties as president of TUFSA, I had served for almost three years: first as a member, and for the past one year as vice-president. I have always been proud to be a member this leadership-driven organization, and firmly believe in the potential of our multicultural community. During my three years as a member, we have been able to achieve an environment to promote closer relationship ties between Japanese and International students at Tohoku University.
今年度の会長として、TUFSAで新しい任務を始める前に、私はメンバーおよび副会長として3年間この協会で活動してきました。私は、このリーダーシップ に突き動かされるこの協会の一員であることを常に誇りに思い、また、様々な文化と才能あふれるこの協会の可能性を固く信じています。メンバーとして活動し てきた3年の間、私たちは東北大学の日本人学生と留学生の間の密接な友好関係を促進するために、様々な支援活動を行ってきました。

       This academic year, I am dedicated to carrying out much more fun-filled events and support activities to benefit the University and its students. By strengthening our organizational structure through the introduction of Activities, Education, Support, and Outreach subcommittees, we hope to increase our efficiency in planning and carrying out activities, as well as welcoming new members to TUFSA. I also look forward to expanding our network, and helping to reinforce our ties to other clubs and organizations both within Tohoku University and Sendai city.
今年度、東北大学とその学生のために、今までにも増して楽しさあふれるイベントや支援活動に行います。そのために、アクティビティー、教育、サポート、お よびアウトリーチの4つの委員会を導入し、組織体制を強化することによって、企画や運営の効率化を図ります。それと同時に、本協会で活動するメンバーも増 やしたいと思います。組織としてのネットワークも拡大させ、東北大学内および仙台市の他の組織との連携を強化できることを楽しみにしています。

       My final duty as president is to make sure that every member can meet with new challenging experiences while enjoying their time in this organization. I will do everything I can to carry out my mission, and to help TUFSA make real, sustainable progress as an organization.
会長としての私の最後の任務は、この協会のすべてのメンバーが、共に過ごす時間を楽しみながら、必ず新しい挑戦や経験に出会うことができるようにすること です。私はこれらの任務を遂行するために精一杯活動し、TUFSAの組織としての持続可能な発展に尽力します。


Monday, June 23, 2014

TUFSA Buddy Program 説明会(Information Session)

 先週の水曜日はBuddy Programの説明会でした(このProgramについて知らない方はTUFSAホームページで)。予想よりたくさんの人が来てくれたのでとても驚くと同時に説明会を行ってよかったという喜びもありました。

 18:30から開始しIce breakingゲームをして皆さんの緊張が解けたあと、リラックスした雰囲気でBuddy Programについての説明が行われました。Ice breakingゲームが功を奏し、みなさんが積極的に質問や意見を言って下さりとてもよい説明会になったと思います。感謝です。

 Buddy Programについての情報はTUFSAのTwitterアカウント@_TUFSAでもつぶやいています。ぜひチェックを。
 Buddy Program申し込みは今週金曜日が締め切りです。お早めに!




Monday, June 9, 2014

Il y a assurément un autre monde, mais il est dans celui-ci...

My name is Luciano and in this post I want to tell you about the two things that I learnt because of  AFS (AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE)* . The first thing is for people who are in an exchange program right now or were a part of the program, and the second one is for those who are still thinking about joining the exchange program.

But before all of that, let me tell you a bit more about myself. Born in Mendoza, Argentina, where I spent first 11 years of my life (lots of good memories!), I’m now 22 Years old. However, because of the "corralito" (a big economic and political crisis that hit Argentina in 2001), I had to emigrate to Spain with my parents and sister. That was my first international adventure. I've to say it took me sometime, but after some months I made some great new friends and started to enjoy my new life. 6 years later, I had totally adapted to this new place (which I've come to call as “my place”), and had a lot of friends. It was at the time of my second year of high school, that my second adventure was about to begin. During those days, I was trying to figure out what I would like to study at university. One day, while having dinner, my mother gave me some information about studying abroad that she had read on the internet. It was the last week for applying to the exchange program. Forced by the time, and driven by instincts, I just applied without thinking too much about it. At that time, I didn't realize that it would be the best decision of my life.

One year later I was in Sendai, Japan, a totally new country to me, living with an amazing host family, and learning a new language. After ten awesome months of new experiences (I would need an entire book to describe how amazing it was), I went back to Spain, as a new person.

Now getting back to the point, let's talk about the two important things I mentioned earlier. Well here is the first (for those who are students of a current exchange program or were a part of it sometime in the past.) You might already know that you have changed a lot during your AFS year; some of you might be seeing the life, the people and the entire world in a different way. You most probably have new friends and a new family, and most importantly, you now know yourself better than before. Well, if the AFS year is/was this amazing, then why stop here? Even if you cannot spend another year abroad, you can widen your experience, and AFS can definitely help you with that. After coming back from Japan, I requested my family to host a student, and as cool as I am, this idea turned into another awesome experience. As I had already been in his shoes before, we made a deep relationship based on common grounds of similar experiences. Also, amazingly, hosting the student made me understand my host family much better and I realized the mistakes I made while leaving in Japan as a son. Later I also became AFS volunteer (and am still one, for 4 years until now) and it gave me, again, a whole new perspective to look at things. If I have to tell you about the best thing I get for being a volunteer, better than the formation one gets by organizing the different activities, even better than the amazing volunteer-AFS staff you meet - it is to help the students from different countries to have a life changing year. I see myself in them, and it permits me to reflect upon, and enjoy again and again my international adventure. That's my first advice, if u enjoyed your AFS year; there is no reason for you to restrict the experience to just one year.

One year ago, during my third year of university, I got the opportunity to come to Sendai again, this time as an exchange student at Tohoku University. A few months later, and after a lot of procedures and paper-work, I was flying to my host country again! It had been 5 years since I left. I was super nervous about meeting my friends and host family again. Now, I'm living in Sendai (already 9 months), meeting my host family quite often and enjoying the life here.

However, this year is much different than that of 5 years ago, and I will tell you how (keep in mind this is related to the second thing I talked about in the beginning). To people who think that high school years are too early for an exchange program, or it is better to participate in an exchange program during university years, I must say, you are wrong. Even if the two experiences (during high school and university) might be in the same form, for instance... living several months in another country, learning a new language, meeting new people, etc., the truth is that they are two different scenarios. The characteristics of the AFS year program make them a unique experience. Without AFS, you will hardly have the opportunity of living with a family from your host country. Normally, when you make an exchange as a university student, you will spend your year at a residence or a flat... And trust me the difference is infinite, living with a host family will totally mark your life. Secondly, as a high school student, you won't be that busy as I'm now (that is, as a university student), which will permit you enjoy your year in the best way. And finally as a High School student, you are in the most important years of your life. You are in the process of becoming an adult, what you will learn will totally mark the way you are for the rest of your life.

But hear me out a bit more. I'm not saying that coming to Japan again was a mistake. They are just different experiences (which complement each other), if you already have an AFS, I strongly recommend you to make an exchange again, thanks of your experiences; you will know how to enjoy it better than anyone.

Lastly, if you haven’t applied yet, do it, you will not regret.

Also, for those, who’re having an amazing time here, but will have to go back to their home country soon - Good news! You can widen your experiences by volunteering as a host family.



* AFS is a non-profit international exchange organization for students

and adults that operates in more than 50 countries, and organizes and

supports intercultural learning experiences.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Say it in English ~5/31(sat)~

We had a event from the TUFSA education team, “Say it in English” on 31st May. Many people came to this event, and they seemed to really enjoy playing games and having conversations with one another. I had lots of fun! 
The first game was “find the person”. It was a little bit hard to get as many as 9 signatures in 10 minutes. I talked to many people but I found that no one had climbed Mt. Fuji, so I couldn’t complete my game sheet… 
The second game was “picture game”. Everyone had to guess and draw some funny pictures according to the description that one of the participants described. I also tried to draw a picture but I found that I have a bad sense in drawing… but but! One of the participants told me that the picture was awesome…! Then I possibly can be a good painter…? lol
The last game was “spy game”. To win this game, the important thing was to describe the details of a word on card and try not to be detected by the others in order to stay in the game. The game needed confidence to say something, several words to describe it, and a technique to deceive other people. It was so exciting! Since I actually am not good at using English, the game was super hard for me but I could realize that I need to learn English more.

After the all games, we had some chatting time with some snacks and juice. Throughout this event I kept speaking in English. So, at the end of this event, I felt I could improve my English and got more confident in it! It was not only educational but also super fun!

Friday, May 30, 2014

TUFSA Movie Night in the Lobby (2014-05-23)

金 曜日の夜、勉強・宿題・レポート・テスト…と一週間で溜まった疲れも癒されたはず。 国際交流会館で行われたmovie nightでは、たくさんの人を手作りポップコーンで迎え、映画・Hang Overを上映。爽快・痛快感とともに楽しく終了しました。 みなさんに楽しんで貰えたらTUFSAメンバーも幸せ!

Translation (by Guillaume) :

Finishing my busy week with its usual amount of homework, reports and tests… I'm feeling tired but I know this Friday night is gonna give me some freshness to my busy head. “Hangover”, popcorn and soft drinks and all these happy people gathering in Sanjo University House’s lobby helped me enjoy the movie until the very end. TUFSA hopes you guys had as much fun as we did! See you next time!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

International BBQ Party by @home and TUFSA

Warm temperatures and bright sunlight resulted in another gastronomic burst by the Hirose River! More grilling, roasting and eating!

Yes, it is the annual International BBQ party hosted by @home and TUFSA.  (For those who are not familiar with @home, it is a university circle that supports the international students at Tohoku University.) The party was held on May 24th under Ushigoe Bridge. It was a huge success with an attendance of over 200 people who came to enjoy the "gastronomic burst". Consisting of four types of BBQ from China, Thailand, India, special vegetarian BBQ, and yakisoba, it was a scrumptious trip into the depths of Asian cuisine.

Roasted pieces were not the sole delights of the party; sunshine and refreshing scenery of the Hirose River equally cheered up our foodies, such that some of them even went splashing in the river.

International BBQ party is a great place to meet different people from all over the world while enjoying diverse food! Students can also get to know more about other cultures by sharing the commonalities and respecting the differences.


@home and TUFSA International BBQ party 
Place: Ushigoe Bridge
Date: May 24, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Gastronomic burst by the river

Another academic year has just started at Tohoku University (TU) which brings another challenge for TUFSA in upholding its responsibility as the umbrella organization which maintains the good life and harmonious relationship between international and Japanese students at TU. One of the activities of TUFSA every kick of the semester is the welcome party for its new members. As one of the old members in this organization so to speak, we are very much honored that we have gathered the young best minds of TU from different countries to be one of our working pillars to strengthen further our reputation as the biggest international organization in TU that supports both the students and the community as well.

This year’s welcome party event was filled with intense gastronomical extravaganza. From 6 types of chicken BBQs to seafood’s including vegetable stuff. No one can ask more to fill his or her tummy for a day. Not only these foodies made the event amazing but also the place where it was held was filled serenity and nature. The magnificent rushing sound of the river and the kiss of Mr. Sunshine were just so perfect combo for the event to be called memorable. While everyone was busy grilling their BBQ flavor of choice, some members were not able to resist splashing themselves in the clear cool water of the river. It was very relaxing watching them playing like kids.

We TUFSA members were quite known for its amor in picture taking. This means that the event will not be as good as expected without the battle of camera flashing everywhere.  As different poses and extreme pictorial gala were made, the new and the old members were able to have an opportunity to exchange ideas regarding the future plans and activities of TUFSA in the next coming years. We were also amazed by our high school exchange student guests from Switzerland, Belgium and Indonesia. They were so interactive that they even shared their experiences regarding their school life while in Japan.

I would say that the event was filled with memories and productivity that will make you responsible and work harder for the betterment of your fellow international and Japanese students as a whole in this institution. Well…..well…well..This is not the end of the greatest moments of TUFSA as a member yet….we still have a lot events and activities coming…. More challenging but worth learning so stay tune….


TUFSA Welcome BBQ party for its new Member
Place: Nakanose Bridge
Date: May 10, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.